"Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance."
-T.S. Eliot-

EarthlingZ Weblog: April 2005

Monday, April 18, 2005

Golden Week Gathering at The Greenhouse


Once again we are planning a gathering at the Greenhouse. It will start on Friday the 29th of April and continue until May 5th, or longer if there are people who want to do so. We will feature ambient and dance DJs and mainly ethnic live performances, including whatever jam sessions may naturally occur. There will be many instrumentalists playing, and the list is getting longer every day. Already four or five DJs have committed to perform, and we are looking for other musicians who would like to play. If you are a musician and are interested in attending and performing, contact me for information about conditions and compensation. This should be an excellent opportunity to meet and play with many musicians you may not already know.

またグリーンハウスのギャザリングを予定 しています。4月29日(金曜日)から始まり、5月5日ごろまで続く予定ですが、希望者数に応じてそれ以上続くかもしれません。アンビエントやダンスDJ の演奏、またエスニックを主とした生演奏やジャムセッションを予定しています。多くのミュジッシャンの参加の予定があり、その数が日ごとに増えています。 今のところ4、5人のDJの参加は確定しているが、他に参加をしたいミュジッシャンを募集しています。あなたはミュジッシャンであり、参加に興味を持って いれば、その条件などについて教えるので、ご連絡を下さい。この機会は今まで知らなかったミュジッシャンに会い、一緒に演奏する機会でもあります。
WE also need a few more people who are willing to work as staff some of the time, especially in the kitchen, where tasty food will be constantly being prepared.

Full information is at
http://floatingworldweb.com/earthlingz/events/goldenweek2005/map.htm Check regularly for updates to the lineup...

こ のギャザリングについての詳しい情報をこれから次のページに載せるので、ミュジッシャンのラインアップなどについて定期的にチェックしておいて下さい: http://floatingworldweb.com/earthlingz/events/goldenweek2005/map.htm
Phone me at 0494-78-0177 or email



Friday, April 15, 2005

New Shpongle album out May 11th

"...Shpongle is back, with a new album, ‘Nothing Lasts’ a reference to Terence Mckenna and one of their many influences. The imitable audio pioneers Simon Posford & Raja Ram remind us not only the about the impermanance of life but also how to rewrite the ambient agenda with yet more spell-inding music from their outer cosmos that is ‘Shpongle’. With sonic waves in a sea of synths, battalions of brazilian batucada beats, flamenco solos, piano solos, vocal soarings from Hari Om and trancey dubs, this really is more music from the otherworld. A place of undefinable and indescribable beauty where all cultures collide, genres are rode over roughshod, and nothing is outlawed. For those that know them these will be sentiments they recognise and welcome as further evidence of Shpongle’s reputation. To those that don’t, welcome to a new universe - one with its own language and musical map, a place of beauty and impermanance..."


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Fusion Anomaly's Music Node

Lots of great stuff. All in English, but many excellent images also...