"Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance."
-T.S. Eliot-

EarthlingZ Weblog: July 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

EarthlingZ FREE PARTY 7/14 - 7/16

It's certainly pleasant to sit upstairs in The Greenhouse and listen to the rain on the roof. Sometimes it's a drop here and there, perhaps falling off the overhanging trees. At times it patters softly, punctuating the music with ambient randomness, and at others it drums steadily. And then from time to time the sun comes out and mist rises , exposing the soft greens of the hills.

グリーンハウスの2階の部屋で座って、屋根に落ちる 雨の音を聞くのが楽しいです。時々屋根にしだれる木の枝から落下する雨滴が聞こえる。時々しなやかな雨垂れの音が音楽をランダムでアンビエントに刺した り、また、時々安定したドラムのようなリズムを叩いたりする。また、時々太陽が出て、霧が山の上へ浮かび、山の柔らかい緑色が見えてくる。

It's a great place to be when it rains, and I'm imagining it might be raining this weekend as well. I know some friends will be going to outdoor dance parties during the long weekend, but those of you who would enjoy a few shanti days in the dry comfort of The Greenhouse, I renew the invitation to come and hang out at the free party, enjoying what's made in the music room and the kitchen, and strolling in the outdoors when the weather is dry. We'll be chilling out here through Sunday evening, so come late if you can't come early!

今 週の連休は何人の友達がアウトドアのパーテイーに行くと思いますが、グリーンハウスで心地よく、また雨に降られないシャンテイーな連休を過ごしたい方は、 今週のグリーンハウスでのフリー・パーテイーに来て、音楽の部屋で作られる音楽やキッチンで作られる食事を楽しみ、雨が降らない時に外での散歩が楽しめる ので、再びパーテイーへのお誘いを申し上げます。日曜日の夜もチル・アウトが続くので、早く来られない方は遅く来ても大丈夫ですので、是非いらしてくださ い。

The weekend of July 14-16 has three special occasions in it:
July 14th: Bastille Day and Zlatina's birthday
July 16: Umi-no-Hi (Ocean Day)


From the 14th through the 16th we'll have a FREE OPEN HOUSE at The Greenhouse. Sat night we'll turn a French cupcake upside-down with a candle in it for Zlatina, and Umi-No-Hi can be celebrated by those who explore The Sea of Consciousness.

There will be no charge for attendance, but we ask people not to bring their own food and drinks, and to buy them from The Greenhouse kitchen. There will be delicious vegetarian meals and snacks.

Performers will not be paid money, but as many know, we have other ways of rewarding contributions and participation. So if you'd like to participate in that way, get in touch.

It'll be a laid back long summer weekend, with lots of ambient and downtempo music. Bring your swimming suit, in case it's hot enough to visit the lake nearby.


Now playing on EARTHLINGZ RADIO ( http://wezr.net ):
Ihor - Sun Man

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